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Morgan Glover

Morgan is a graduating senior studying Psychology with a minor in Sociology.  Her future plans involve graduate school focusing on Neuroscience and research.  Women's rights have always been a passion of Morgan's, so she found great interest in AAUW upon discovering the cause.  She strives to spread awareness of the inequality that still exists in our modern time, begin to eliminate the stigma around feminism, and so much more.


Amanda Jones

Amanda is a senior studying Psychology, with interests in Abnormal Psychology, Biological Psychology/Neuroscience, and Applied Behavior Analysis. Her interest in AAUW originated with her attending an AAUW Tech Trek (Math and Science Camp for girls). As a first-generation college student, her main goal is to empower women through education to be active leaders in their communities and agents of social change.


Eddie Amezquita

Eddie is a graduating senior studying Psychology with a focus in Applied Behavioral Analysis and will be attending graduate school in the near future. His interest in AAUW came from an opportunity to show support for equality in academia and vocational areas.


Mollie McDonald

Mollie is a junior, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Statistics.  She plans to go to graduate school with the ultimate goal of doing research to promote positive change within individuals and communities.  As a woman with a life-long interest in STEM, she believes it is important for women and girls to support each other through organizations such as AAUW.


Holly Kleinman

Holly is a graduating senior studying the area of School Counseling in Psychology, interested in pursuing research and eventually moving on to graduate school. Her interest in AAUW came about as she has been long interested in the study of gender and how it is represented in our everyday lives. Her goal is to spread awareness on gender equality and how feminism can help society.


Ashley Anglesey

Ashley is a graduating senior in the Psychology department interested in studying Industrial Organizational (I/O) Psychology. She is pursuing graduate school and hopes to eventually work in a consulting firm in the area of I/O Psychology. Her interest in AAUW stems from her passion for gender equality, including activism for equal opportunity, equal pay, and bringing awareness to sexual harassment issues within campuses and the work place. 


Kayla Simmons

Kayla is a first year graduate student studying Gender Equity.  She is interested in working with AAUW because she believes gender equity has not yet been achieved and that University Women are in a unique position to affect not only the political climate but also the current and future generations in a positive and equitable manner.


Mariana Gonzalez

Mariana is a graduating senior studying Psychology with a focus in  developmental and multicultural aspects.  She has always been interested in feminist ideology, especially intersectional feminism, due to the injustices women face.  Mariana wants to be involved in an organization with that advocates for women's and girls' success.


Jenna Forslin

Jenna is a junior studying Psychology.  Women's rights and equality have always been a passion of Jenna's since she began college.  Creating a safe space and spreading awareness about social issues is so crucial for the student body and the community and Jenna wants to be a part of making that happen.


Dr. Sharon Furtak-Nguyen

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology


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AAUW - Sacramento State Chapter

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